Tuesday, March 18, 2014

TIBX journey and the start of new era for RUS_Trades.

First of all, I deleted every single post from the start of this blog, as it barely dealt with the real things that matter.

This post is the beginning of the real time, when I'm going to make real trading decisions and take real profits or losses.

I want to thank my father for the opportunity that he gave to me and I hope this will be a successful journey.

And I could say, that I have started by making a mistake. I got the shares of TIBX on the February 1, the dead bottom of the chart. I knew it was highly oversold and wanted to wait. I was hesitant to sell, as it was trending and I thought that it would run higher. Even when everything was pointing at the SELL button, I was still hesitant.

LESSON #1: Even if you did not choose your position, you need to obey the rules.

I did not follow the rules - and failed to sell at the top, which put me into the unpleasant position.

There are three points at this graph: #1, #2 and #3(wide)

#1: my initial position. Highly oversold. It would be dumb to sell at the very OBVIOUS dead bottom.

#2: perfect sell. Stochastics is SCREAMING to SELL, as it is almost at 100. I was greedy. I hesitated.

#3: the place, where amateurs sold and I ALMOST sold. Quite big resistance, no movement, indecisiveness... People are MAD, because the stock took such a whip.

But I didn't sell. I decided to obey my rules at least this second time.

What happened is that today, March 18, I became hopeless. The stock soared in the morning only to make the red to green transition intra-day. I wanted to sell. I was mad.

But in the back of my head I remembered a good rule: amateurs trade the open, professionals trade the close. I decided to wait for the close. And some SICK price action happened.

Stock was trendless for a long time, making new lows. I was waiting until the close.

Alert #1 was the bounce of resistance with a little fade.

Then it tested the resistance again...and BOOM explosion!

@21.50 People were exiting, but there were more buyers than sellers so it went right back UP
@21.70 People were selling again, but the SMART crowd just ABSORBED everything!

RESULT: +100$ to my initial little investment.

WHAT TO WATCH: I'm going to hold through earnings. The risk/reward ratio is good for holding.
I am also supported by the volume and results of other companies. I am going to put a LIMIT @21.50.

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